Stumbled upon Johanna Blankestein's wonderful shot of the underground canals. If I ever have the chance to visit 's-Hertogenbosch "Den Bosch", I'll sure take a peek in the underground canals. Apparantly, you can take a boat ride through those canals. "Bosche Bollen" is a keyword for finding this place on Google Maps for example. :) Apparently it is some kind of local chocolaty delicacy.
Random musings in English and Finnish mostly about travel and photography as perceived on Flickr. Satunnaisia huomioita englanniksi ja suomeksi enimmäkseen matkailusta ja valokuvauksesta Flickr-kuvapalvelun kautta nähtynä.
Beats Per Minute
While rummaging through old film material I stumbled upon this shot, which had been used as a background for a party flyer. Shot originally on Ilford Delta 400 with ASA/ISO 200 and underdeveloped, which yielded a very "tight" grain.
Statistics. One of the devious tricks Flickr does is provides you statistics on the number of times each photo has been viewed by other flickerites. This photo is my first to reach 100. I know it is not much, but I like the fact that ~100 people have taken time to view this shot amongst the gazillions shots out there. Yay! :)
On Sets
I've always believed that through photography you should be able to tell your story with just one shot. A series of photographs rarely shed more light on the subject. On the other hand, I have secretly admired people who are able to create meaningful sets of photographs, which accomplish this task. I decided to try this out and created a series of five photos, which in my opinion tell a story of everyday life in Kallio, Helsinki. You must view the photos in large size, since they contain more than meets the eye at first. Please let me know what your impression on the series is. How well have I managed to tell a story and what is the story in your opinioin?
Yesterday, I started a new photo project which I have been meaning to commence for a looong time, namely to document the urban surroundings of my home town Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki will reveal itself to you in two formats, namely B&W and in color. I started out with Kallio, which has transformed itself into a very vibrant part of the city, with a lot of small retaurants, clubs and young people in general.
My attempt is to portray the ordinary every day views of the city and its life in photojournalistic manner. Let's see if I can accomplish this task and if it will bring you new insights into places, which you may have overlooked or not even known existed. :)
My attempt is to portray the ordinary every day views of the city and its life in photojournalistic manner. Let's see if I can accomplish this task and if it will bring you new insights into places, which you may have overlooked or not even known existed. :)
Having read one of my friend's travel blog Let's Japan. This must be what their experiences looked like. ;)
Flesh Eating Zombies
For some reason this shot reminds me of zombie movies, where you have your protagonist trying to survive in an otherwise deserted city. If it weren't for the FLESH EATING ZOMBIES! ;)
I guess the posture of the pedestrian triggered the impression, who knows? =)
I guess the posture of the pedestrian triggered the impression, who knows? =)
Akseli Klonk Nukketeatteri
2009-07-06 kävimme porukalla katsomassa Oulun vauhtipuiston junateatterissa Akseli Klonkin Nukketeatterin versiota sadusta "Pieni tinasotilas". Esitys oli oikein mukaansatempaava, vaikkakin aika epäkonventionaalinen. Näytöksestä tallentui mm. tämä otos, jonka yritän tätä kautta välittää esiintyjille. :)
Kiitokset mieleenpainuvasta esityksestä. Harmi vain, ettei "Ruma Ankanpoikanen" päässyt lavalle asti myöhemmin illalla. ;)
Linkki vauhtipuiston sivuille.
Kiitokset mieleenpainuvasta esityksestä. Harmi vain, ettei "Ruma Ankanpoikanen" päässyt lavalle asti myöhemmin illalla. ;)
Linkki vauhtipuiston sivuille.
On Digital Photography
I took this shot almost four years ago. It was the first summer with a DSLR and the freedom of digital photography seemed almost magical. Having dabbled in photography since late 1980's, to me digital photography has taught a lot about lighting, composition and most importantly photographic expression. Being bound only by the limits of a memory card, makes you feel free. Free to experiment, free to fail, free to learn from one's mistakes. On the other hand, it may lead to snappish shots, which have no message, which portray very littel feeling, mood or impression. The change has most likely also killed the film industry (and I'm not talking about movies here). Photographs on paper have not dissappeared, but digital forums such as Flickr would not exist without digital photography. OK, enough rambled, I'm foaming at the mouth. ;)
On Panoramas
Panoramas offer an extended view of a scene along one axis, which normally is the horizontal. "True" panoramas consist of shots "stiched together" on that axis. I simply like to perform 1:3 crops of my pictures to offer a panoramic view of the subject. This suit landscapes, cityscapes and waterscapes alike.
On Perspective
Perspective makes landscape photographs seem more three-dimensional. The viewer's point of view must lead his/her eye into the picture and the perception of the scene must then lead to something that pauses the viewer's gaze. This all may sound very formulaic and it is, but to deviate from the "norm" requires a very functional counterbalance to actually work as a composition.
In this shot I've attempted to create a natural illusion of a three dimensional space. The perspective is achieved through the usage of the railway as the element, which leads the viewer's gaze. How do you feel about "rules" on creating a perspective?
In this shot I've attempted to create a natural illusion of a three dimensional space. The perspective is achieved through the usage of the railway as the element, which leads the viewer's gaze. How do you feel about "rules" on creating a perspective?
On Selenium Toning
Selenium toning suits certain subject matters very well. One of those subjects, which selenium toning becomes certainly is water. In this shot I've tried to capture the nature of a wave hitting solid rock. Please let me know how well I've succeeded in that goal.
Kesäloma 2009
Sain lomakuvat käsiteltyä ja latasin ne Flickriin omaksi setikseen. Suuri osa kuvista on nähtävillä vain kavereille ja perheenjäsenille, mutta osa ei. Kuvat on ryyditetty polveilevalla matkakertomuksella.
Kuvat ovat täällä.
Kuvat ovat täällä.
Kartta reitistä.
The Art of B&W
Black and white photography is a form of art, in which to succeed you must think about form above colors. Tones of gray, black and white is all you have and thus you must emphasise the form. Michael Schlegel has managed to capture a nice form of the river with very few colors indeed. :)
View from the Pasila TV-tower.
Night time photography is a very difficult art to master and my friend Ilkka has captured a very nice image from very high above ground zero Helsinki. :)
On Juxtaposition
Juxtaposition as a technique to contrast visual elements with one another to emphasize their similarities is one of my favorite tricks. It seldom succeeds, but with this shot I feel that actually managed to juxtapose something that actually conveys a message. What it is, remains for you to judge, eh? ;)
... notes champêtres ...!!!
Denis Collette is an inspiring photographer, whose mastery of impressionism as a device to dazzle our optic nerves is truly amazing. I continue to marvel his shots as they flickr by in my daily perusal of the Flickr service.
Eyes are the window to a soul, which if you view this shot as a mirror may reflect something about us as modern day netizens. Our eyes hungrily devour imagery without really pausing to introspect what we behold. In my mind nice, wonderful, fancy or a fave! just don't seem to cut it. If I want to comment on a photo, I want to say something meaningful about the shot. How it has touched me or what exactly has prompted me to use my time to comment on a photo.
This photo inspired me to blurt out this because of the monkey's captivating gaze. :)
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